The 10th edition of this competition received 91 works from 29 countries.
"Vista Points" by Manuella Blackburn (United Kingdom)
"Papyrus" by Diana Simpson (United Kingdom)
"Cracked Voices" by Alejandro Montes de Oca (México)
The 10th edition of this competition received 91 works from 29 countries.
"Vista Points" by Manuella Blackburn (United Kingdom)
"Papyrus" by Diana Simpson (United Kingdom)
"Cracked Voices" by Alejandro Montes de Oca (México)
The 9th edition of this competition received 69 works from 26 countries.
"jeu fabriqué" by Daniel Blinkhorn (Australia)
"Electric Sheep" by Georges Dennis (United Kingdom)
"And Death..." by Jason L. Bolte (USA)
As result of a international call to composers of all ages and nationalities, Sound Walk collective and original sound installation, gave the visitors of the Belém Arts Centre an oppotunity to immerse in 36 sounscapes.
142 works from 28 countries where proposed to be part of this sound installation.
"Blanc Distance" by Junya Oikawa
"Shaking Mendeleev in the Presence of a Guitar" by Rita Torres
"Cricketmusic" by Peter Eotvos
"Migrazione" by Nicola Cogliolo
"Deambulation" by António Ferreira
"Gold.Berg.Werk - Aria Electronica II" by Karlheinz Essl
"La jarra de los males" by Edith Alonso Sanchez
"La Fabrica en Horta de Ebro" by Hélder Filipe Gonçalves
"Granulations - sons do parque" by Ângela Lopes
"Dowling Pass" by Fergal
"Câmara Lenta 1" by Miguel Urbano de Figueiredo
"Remixes of Ciguri" by Felipe Andres Otondo Ruiz
"Undo" by Pedro Patrício
"BihotzBi" by Zuriñe Gerenabarrena
"Pocket Music" by Ricardo de Armas
"Soundlence" by Ingrid Obled
"Taccani Sibilla d'Autunno" by Giorgio Colombo
"Wait a Minute!" by Roderik de Man
"Sesenta cuatro campanas" by Andrián Pertout
"Roulements, Rebonds" by Jean-Louis Di Santo
"I was vaguely aware of somethinhg" by Miguel Negrão
"Ensalada Inestable" by Hernani Villaseñor
"Border" by Hugo Paquete
"wel-come" by Georg Klein
"Maile Colbert Day of Anger, Act 3" by Rui Costa
"Payri Miniature avec voix de femme" by Blas Gaston
"L'amour outragé" by Massimo Biasioni
"Movimenti" by Massimo Fragalà
"Fantasma da Tesoura" by André Rocha do Nascimento
"L'Animal du temps" by Frédéric Kahn
"LocoJazz" by Hervé Déjardin
"Suoni per Gigi" by Roberto Fabbriciani
"X-Tension SAX" by Roland Semadeni
"Chilling Effects" by Kala Pierson
"Waltz at the edge of Lorros" by Panayiotis Kokoras
"Space Warp" by Tiago Morais Morgado
The Sound Walk 2008 took place between September 20 and 27 in Belém Arts Centre.
The 8th edition of this competition received 138 works from 34 countries.
"Fall, aus der Zeit" by Pei-Yu Shi (Formosa)
"Fosil KV" by Arturo Fuentes (Mexico)
"Casual Impacts" by Manuella Blackburn (United Kingdom)
"neugut.rand" by Thomas Peter (Switzerland)
"Si Je Regarde" by Ingrid Obled (France)
"Anechoic Pulse" by Panayiotis Kokoras (Greece)
"Tynajas" by Santiago T. Díez Fischer (Argentina)
"In Rota" by Pedro dos Santos Faria de Almeida (Portugal)
"Dreaming of the Dawn" by Adrian Moore (United Kingdom)
"Language" by Joshua Goldman (USA)
"Bounce Eye (Study in Marbles)" by Thomas Cahill-Jones (United Kingdom)
"Funus" by Andrea Agostini (Italy)
"Response" by Panayiotis Kokoras (Greece)
"Conversation" by Ian Corbert (USA)
"Le Bruit d'une tête qui frappe contre les murs d'une três petite cellule" by José Luís Ferreira (Portugal)
"Cântico" by Nuno Leal (Portugal)
"Viagem" by José Carlos Almeida de Sousa (Portugal)
"Noa-Noa-Homenagem a Gauguin" by Nuno Côrte Real (Portugal)
"Colagens, FLuxos e Fluídos" by Gustavo Costa (Portugal)