Extraordinary Clarinet / Clarinete extraordinário
01-06-2025 · 16h00
Casa da Música – Sala 2
Bilheteira · Ticket Office
Meeting with the Composers
Participants: [names to be announced]
Nuno Pinto, Frederic Cardoso, Gonçalo Pinto · clarinet
Knots III (2024), 4'
ISCM Romanian Section
In the Foreign Land (2018), 9'
individual submission
Soliloquy (2017), 8'
ISCM USA Section submission
Frederic Cardoso © Fátima Seabra
EMILY DOOLITTLE (Canada, 1972)
Gannetry (2021), 7'
Scottish Music Centre
JAN DUSEK (Czech Republic, 1985)
Unsent Letter (2019), 7'
Prague Spring Festival
JOÃO PEDRO OLIVEIRA (Portugal, 1959)
Time Spell (2004), 11'
KOMEI ITOH (Japan, 1961)
OBJECTs253 (2023), 8'
ISCM Japanese Section
The clarinettist Nuno Pinto is intensely devoted to the music of our times. No technical barrier is insuperable for this musician, who can grasp the most diverse aesthetic proposals. Nuno Pinto presents at Casa da Música a programme of 21st-century works for clarinet, with compositions from different latitudes, from Romania to the United States of America, from Poland to Canada, from the Czech Republic to Japan. This includes Time Spell, a clarinet and electronic piece by the Portuguese composer João Pedro Oliveira.
Nuno Pinto é um clarinetista que se dedica intensamente à música dos nossos tempos. Para este músico capaz de agarrar as mais diversas propostas estéticas, nenhuma barreira técnica é intransponível. Nuno Pinto apresenta na Casa da Música um programa com obras para clarinete do século XXI, com composições de variadíssimas latitudes, da Roménia aos Estados Unidos da América, da Polónia ao Canadá, da República Checa ao Japão. Incluindo também Time Spell, peça para clarinete e electrónica do compositor português João Pedro Oliveira.
Knots III (2024), for clarinet solo
ISCM Romanian Section
— Knots is inspired by a throat singing technique originating from the northern part of Romania (Maramureș), a subgenre of the “Doină” called “Horea cu noduri”, which translates roughly to “singing in knots”. This piece is a third attempt to transpose into contemporary music this Romanian traditional technique that is slowly disappearing due to its complexity and demandingness on singers’ voices. Although it significantly resembles the well-known yodelling technique, its aesthetics and meaning are quite the opposite, as the Romanian traditional singing technique is rather used in sad songs.
In the Foreign Land (2018), for clarinet in B flat
individual submission
— Joseph von Eichendorff’s poem In der Fremde is a portrait of a mysterious man who finds himself in a lonely forest as a thunderstorm threatens. The speaker’s parents are long dead, and no one in the forest recognizes him anymore. Robert Schumann chose the poem as the first song of his Leiderkreis Op. 39, one of my favorite Romantic song cycles. Throughout the course of the cycle, we never learn whether the forest is literal or figurative, as the singer’s emotional state vascillates wildly from song to song. When Gregory Oakes asked me to write a work for solo clarinet, I wanted to explore both the sound of the clarinet as it is played in Romantic music, and the use of extended techniques and microtones. These sound worlds contrast, as mysterious air and rustling sounds alternate with pure arpeggios and romantic melodies. As this was my first composition to use microtones, I truly felt that I was in a foreign musical world. In the Foreign Land is dedicated to Gregory Oakes, in gratitude for his willingness to explore sounds with me.
Soliloquy (2017), for clarinet in B flat
ISCM USA Section
— Soliloquy was composed for Esther Lamneck. The work is highly virtuosic, exploring idiomatic and colouristic characteristics of the clarinet in different registers and dynamic levels. It also attempts to create a sonic environment that bridges experiences from the composer’s own musical heritage that spans different continents and artistic traditions.
EMILY DOOLITTLE (Canada, 1972)
Gannetry (2021), for solo clarinet (any clarinet, or multiple clarinets) and looper or recording device
Scottish Music Centre
— Gannetry is a graphically notated work for clarinet and live electronics, based on the sound world of a gannet colony. I’m fascinated by the rich interweaving of guttural sounds as tens of thousands of gannets nest, spar, soar, and dive. This piece was composed in tandem with Dawn Wood’s writing of her poem Gannet Rock, with my ideas for the piece helping shape her poem, and vice versa. Piece and poem can be performed separately, or interwoven in performance. Gannetry was commissioned by Ruta Vitkauskaite and the Modern Chants project for clarinetist Jo Nicholson, with funding from Creative Scotland.
JAN DUSEK (Czech Republic, 1985)
Unsent Letter (2019), for clarinet in B flat
Prague Spring Festival
— Everyone of us has probably written or will write a letter that is important to us, but still decide not to send it to the addressee. Sometimes perhaps because the emotions it captures are too strong, other times because we are afraid of hurting that person. Whatever the message of the letter is at the time, we decide not to share it with anyone. Sometimes the letter stays with the sender and may be found many years later, other times it is irretrievably destroyed and forgotten. I have tried to infuse similar thoughts into this piece, to express strong emotions that could be either unpleasant, frightening or, on the contrary, too strong for the reader. And it could have been a declaration of love or, on the contrary, remorse, sadness, disappointment, joy or anger... I wanted the composition to allow for different interpretations, to give the performer the opportunity to embody the writer and to finish, to complete the composition in terms of expression. But in the end, I prefer not to send it to the addressee. It should therefore, for all its emotionality, remain very intimate, introverted, unsent. The composition was commissioned for the 72nd Prague Spring International Music Competition 2020.
JOÃO PEDRO OLIVEIRA (Portugal, 1959)
Time Spell (2004), 11'
— Time Spell uses transformed repetition as basic construction material. The structure of the work is very close to a ritornello where repeated moments are transformed to create the illusion of a constant development. The inspiration for this idea comes from the story of a man condemned to live the same day till the end of his life. Therefore, he must invent new and different ways of overcoming the repetition and finding the new.
KOMEI ITOH (Japan, 1961)
OBJECTs253 (2023), for solo clarinet
ISCM Japanese Section
— This piece was composed with the image of arranging various “musical objects” in the flow of time. I composed those objects using four musical elements: sub-tone passage, multiphonic sounds, sounding slap passage, and glissando. These are arranged to be generally symmetrical. I added two melodic objects to the middle and end of that series of objects. Moreover, I set up a prologue and epilogue. Each object is punctuated by a very light tongue ram. Three numbers “2.5.3” shown in the title are used on determining values of few parameters. Mr. Ryuta IWASE made the premiere of OBJECTs253 in March 2024 in Tokyo, Japan.