Interarts / Interartes
02-06-2025 · Vernissage 15h00
MAAT: Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia
ANNA KATRIN EGILSTRØD (Faroe Islands, 1981)
Viti (2021), 12’
ISCM Faroe Islands Section
ERIK DÆHLIN (Norway, 1976)
Flickering Site (2023), 13’
ISCM Norwegian Section
(Portugal, Marta Cerqueira: 1983, Simão Costa: 1979)
#6 Propagação (2021), 19’
Individual submission
ANNA KATRIN EGILSTRØD (Faroe Islands, 1981)
Viti (2021)
ISCM Faroe Islands Section submission
— VITI – the observing existence in the never-ending intricate web of consciousness. In the work, I play with the Faroese words viti (lighthouse), vit (we) vitið (consciousness). Here, the lighthouse symbolises the observing being, that through its questioning observation – of all the messy threads spun throughout one’s life, entangled into other messy threads from other beings, cultures and environments – gets more conscious.
Concept and Composition: Anna Katrin Ø. Egilstrøð
· Film: Anna Katrin Ø. Egilstrøð and RAMMATIK (Marianna Mørkøre and Rannvá Káradóttir)
· Dancers and co-coreographers: Búi Rouch, Rannvá Guðrunardóttir Niclasen, Kristina Ougaard Sørensen and Katya R.D.Nielsen.
ERIK DÆHLIN (Norway, 1976)
Flickering Site (2023)
ISCM Norwegian Section
— Flickering Sites is based on site-specific recorded sounds from Fredrikstad, Norway, and photos from the same sites. The material stems from a vast landscape – a shipyard closed down in 1988, dating back to the 1700-century. Here, Norwegian timber was shipped to European countries when they started getting short of wood for houses and sailboats. Here, tons of rock from the same countries used as ballast was dumped, carrying seeds and plants that could never travel that far on their own. Here, nearly 500 boats and ships have been made for national and global shipping, not to mention substantial whaling ships that participated in the almost total extinction of some whale species.
MARTA CERQUEIRA & SIMÃO COSTA (Portugal, Marta Cerqueira: 1983, Simão Costa: 1979)
#6 Propagação (2021)
Individual submission
— Propagation is a feminine noun in Portuguese and is defined as: communication by contagion, the act or effect of propagating, the reproduction of a living being (and its diffusion in an environment), the mode of transmission of light and sound.
It’s about hyperbole, an exaggerated vision of the potential of sound to generate movement and thus an illusion of life.
It’s like the Waters of March, a promise, a becoming in potency. It’s about seeds of light, projected onto tracing paper, vibrating.
Artistic direction: Marta Cerqueira and Simão Costa Curation and co-direction: Catarina Pires · Communication: Mariana Luisa Santos · Audiovisual recording and documentation: Bruno Canas · Support: Fundo de Fomento Cultural – Rep Portuguesa – Ministério da Cultura · Acknowledgements: Atelier Concorde, Teatro da Voz · Technical support: MSM Studio, Catarina Côdea, MILL – Makers In Little Lisbon · Production: Cóccix – ac.